
Wednesday Dec 10, 2014
Spiritual Warfare - Put It On! Absolute Truth
Wednesday Dec 10, 2014
Wednesday Dec 10, 2014
God has not left his soldiers without protection. He has provided armor that every believer should wear daily. The first armor mentioned by Paul is our loins girt about with truth, or easily understood as the belt of Truth. Today there are several opinions on what is truth but this message examines God's truth as the absolute authority.

Sunday Nov 30, 2014
The Holy Ghost - He Knows What He Is Talking About
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
In Johns gospel Jesus expounds on the work of the Holy Ghost as our guide. He guides out of the world and into the realm of spiritual attributes. He proclaims the Spirit of Truth as our guide that relays messages. Messages that bring solid direction for our life. This message dives into the work of the Holy Ghost as our guide.

Saturday Nov 22, 2014
The Holy Ghost - Where Is He Taken Me
Saturday Nov 22, 2014
Saturday Nov 22, 2014
The Holy Spirit that Jesus promised is called the comforted. It means one who comes along side. One of the major functions of the Holy Spirit is to guide humanity away from sin, and believers into righteousness. This message expounds on how and where the Holy Spirit will guide us.

Sunday Nov 16, 2014
The Holy Ghost - Promises Before I go
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Some of Jesus' final instructions to the apostles were not given in the form of commands but in the comfort of promises. One of those promises is the third person of the Trinity, The Holy Ghost. This message examines the promise from Jesus concerning the Holy Ghost.

Monday Oct 27, 2014
The Holy Ghost - Why Some Have Not Been Filled With The Holy Ghost
Monday Oct 27, 2014
Monday Oct 27, 2014
There are so many avenues the enemy uses to stop believers from experiencing all that God has for them. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is one area the enemy attacks often. Why? Because he knows you will operate in spiritual power, and accomplish much more for God's kingdom. This message examines five avenues the enemy will use to stop believers from experiencing the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.

Wednesday Oct 22, 2014
Spiritual Warfare - Stand Where?
Wednesday Oct 22, 2014
Wednesday Oct 22, 2014
Standing for Christ can be exciting, but it also can prove to be difficult. The enemy tempts believers by luring them out of there particular place. God not only commands us to stand, but we need to stand where God has called us.

Sunday Oct 19, 2014
The Holy Ghost - The Re-Creator part 2
Sunday Oct 19, 2014
Sunday Oct 19, 2014
In Acts 2 the Holy Ghost fell and began to work in the lives of all who followed the Apostles doctrine. The Holy Ghost created 6 godly attributes in all those who believed. In this message we examine the last 3.

Sunday Oct 12, 2014
The Holy Ghost - The Re-Creator part 1
Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Continuing our series on the Holy Ghost we examine His creative abilities. We look intently at the new creation in each believer and the mindset that follows once one has been saved and filled with the Holy Ghost.

Saturday Oct 04, 2014
Spiritual Warfare - Fleeing Is Not An Option
Saturday Oct 04, 2014
Saturday Oct 04, 2014
Standing for Christ can be overwhelming. There will be times where we will have done all we can to serve Christ. Paul said when you reach that point you need to stand. Standing is the exact opposite of fleeing, it actually implies that the only option is to stand during overwhelming circumstances. We need to have the mindset that no matter how difficult the situation fleeing is not an option.

Friday Oct 03, 2014
Stopping Between Calvary and Pentecost
Friday Oct 03, 2014
Friday Oct 03, 2014
Stopping short of all God has for you should never happen. It stops the flow of God's Holy Spirit in our lives, quenches spiritual growth and disables the believer to effective work for God. Our Evangelist expounded on the beautiful promise of Pentecostal power and stopping before you experience it. We know this message will bless you and encourage you to grow. God Bless as you listen!