
Thursday May 21, 2015
The Final Statements of Jesus From the Cross (part 7)
Thursday May 21, 2015
Thursday May 21, 2015
This is the final message in our series "The Final Statements of Jesus Christ From the Cross." Jesus makes seven statements and his last is a statement of control, security, and rest. May God bless you as you listen.

Tuesday May 12, 2015
The Final Statements of Jesus From the Cross (part 6)
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Tuesday May 12, 2015
"It is finished," nothing else needs to be said. Jesus said it all when he said "It is finished.

Wednesday May 06, 2015
The Final Statements of Jesus From the Cross (Part 5)
Wednesday May 06, 2015
Wednesday May 06, 2015
Some have asked, how can God understanding my suffering? The topic of our study today answers that question. Jesus said from the cross "I Thirst." He also suffered; He suffered greater than any man on earth has ever suffered. He embraced the wrath of God while hanging on the tree. Jesus understands our suffering. This is the 5th statement made by our Savior on the cross.

Sunday Apr 19, 2015
The Final Statements of Jesus From the Cross (part 4)
Sunday Apr 19, 2015
Sunday Apr 19, 2015
The agony and suffering Jesus endured on the cross was God's holiness and justice being satisfied. Without His work on the cross we all be lost and not able to come near the presence of God. Paul said "Our life is hid with Christ." (Col. 3:3) God's grace, mercy and love were unleashed the day Jesus died and salvation came to all who accept it. Praise God, He cried, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me."

Friday Apr 17, 2015
Spiritual Warfare - The Breast Plate of Righteousness
Friday Apr 17, 2015
Friday Apr 17, 2015
Righteousness that is unearned but sufficient can only come from God. The righteousness that God provides equips the believer during spiritual battles. If we go on our own merits we will definitely fail, but if we go in the name of the Lord, and by his imputed righteousness we cannot fail.

Friday Apr 17, 2015
Spiritual Warfare - Put Your Combat Boots On!
Friday Apr 17, 2015
Friday Apr 17, 2015
The shoes of the gospel are made for every occasion. No matter where you are going, or what you are facing, the Gospel will bring peace to you and get you through.

Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
The Final statements of Jesus From the Cross (part 3)
Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
This third statement says a lot about our savior and his commitment to his family. (The third statement made from the cross, "Woman, behold thy son," and Son, behold thy mother.)

Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Hand Picked
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Here is a message from 2006 preached at River of Life, Monett, Missouri. This message examines the love of God and His design to pick everyone by His son Jesus Christ.

Sunday Apr 05, 2015
The Final Statements of Jesus From the Cross (part 2)
Sunday Apr 05, 2015
Sunday Apr 05, 2015
The second statement Jesus makes from the cross is a promise. He promises the thief entrance into paradise. It is given to the most unlikely person on his death bed, and it has never been given to any other person aside from this thief.

Monday Mar 30, 2015
The Final Statements of Jesus From the Cross (part 1)
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Last words can be very valuable, especially if the person speaking them is important. Never has a person been more important than Jesus. The last words of Jesus from the cross are very important. Why? Jesus spoke them, and he spoke them from the cross. Today's message begins a series of messages on Jesus' final statements.