
Wednesday Aug 19, 2015
A Man Under Authority Impressing Jesus Part 2
Wednesday Aug 19, 2015
Wednesday Aug 19, 2015
When the Centurion said, "speak the word only" he expressed his confidence in the spoken Word. His faith in Jesus' authority impressed Christ.

Thursday Aug 06, 2015
A Man Under Authority - Impressing Jesus Part 1
Thursday Aug 06, 2015
Thursday Aug 06, 2015
What impresses Jesus is far from what impresses the world today. If a person has money, possession or a good social status, he or she could impress anyone today. None of those things impress Jesus. He is not impressed by prestige or finance, but He is impressed with humility. The Centurion in our study today said, "I am not worthy." Jesus marveled at the humility this Roman leader expresses. His humility impressed Jesus.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
A Man Under Authority Encountering Jesus
Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
There comes a point in everyone's life where Jesus is all that matters. It may not happen here on earth but it most definitely happens in eternity. This Roman Leader needed Jesus, so sought he Jesus out. His encounter with Jesus solved issues in his life and in his servants life. You can not be the same once you encounter Jesus, we hope that this message will lead people to Christ. May God bless you as you listen

Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
Dealing With Homosexuality
Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
In our ever changing society the church must remain steadfast on God's Word. This message examines what scripture says concerning homosexuality. This is not meant to offend or attack, but is motivated by freedom that can only come from God's Word.

Friday Jul 03, 2015
Crumbs of Faith
Friday Jul 03, 2015
Friday Jul 03, 2015
When Jesus was on the earth he searched for faith. The faith he found was in the most unexpected places. He found it in a Roman solider, he found it in a Samaritan woman, and he found it in a Canaanite woman seeking on behalf of her child. Faith has the ability to overcome any obstacle. The Canaanite woman's faith soared above insult, rejection and a cold shoulder. This message examines the Canaanite woman's faith that Jesus titled as being great.

Friday Jun 19, 2015
Playing the Guilt Game
Friday Jun 19, 2015
Friday Jun 19, 2015
Most battles that a believer deals with take place in the mind. The enemy loves to play the guilt game and cast doubt in the believers life. Why is the enemy constantly attacking believers with guilt? This message answers that question, and is an encouraging message that reminds believers of all that God has done for them.

Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
A Man Under Authority - Even Leaders Need Help
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Somethings a man can't do alone, he needs help. Men often hide their vulnerability behind a mask of strength. Trying to avoid the truth of their own personal struggle. Somethings require assistance, for example, our salvation required the assistance of Jesus and men still need His help today. Men it's time for transparency, it's time to be real with God. Our new series tackles this very difficult subject for men. Even Leaders Need Help

Thursday Jun 11, 2015
Dormant Vision
Thursday Jun 11, 2015
Thursday Jun 11, 2015
When you give up on your vision the vision never goes away it only becomes dormant. There are several ways we can allow our visions to become dormant but how do we resurrection our visions. This message examines how to bring your vision out of a dormant state.

Saturday May 30, 2015
Spiritual Warfare - The Preeminence of Faith
Saturday May 30, 2015
Saturday May 30, 2015
Paul says faith is to be taken as our shield, and to be considered above all the other pieces of armor. Faith is versatile and assists all the other pieces of our armor, giving faith preeminence in our life.

Tuesday May 26, 2015
Spoiled Vines In The Garden
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Pride is corrosive and dangerous, but one thing is worse, spiritual pride. Spiritual pride does more harm in the garden of God than all the attacks of atheism and sinful humanity combined. This message attacks spiritual pride, and causes the believer to look closer at what motivates their actions.