
Sunday Mar 20, 2016
Delusions Of Pleasure
Sunday Mar 20, 2016
Sunday Mar 20, 2016
A challenging message for today's church. Pleasure verses Service to God!

Saturday Mar 05, 2016
Have You Lost The Wonder
Saturday Mar 05, 2016
Saturday Mar 05, 2016
We have all lost something at one point or another. Have you ever asked yourself this spiritual question, "how did I lose my spiritual drive?" If you have asked that question or maybe you're asking that question now. This message will encourage you. We all have felt the pressure of maintaining our spiritual endeavors, and sometimes we can lose our passion for the things of God. We hope and pray this message will bless you.

Saturday Dec 26, 2015
Dormant Vision
Saturday Dec 26, 2015
Saturday Dec 26, 2015
God has put in every believer a vision. Whether its more of God, or to be used more in ministry God has placed that vision in us. Sometimes our visions can become dormant. Circumstances and struggles have away of getting our eye's off of our vision. The goal of this message is to put us back on track, and restore our burden for the vision God has placed in us all.

Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Because Your Heart Was Tender
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
A tender heart goes a long way with God. This message examines the power of a tender heart and expounds on the struggle of keeping our hearts tender before the Lord. We pray this message will bless you as you endeavor to serve the Lord.

Sunday Nov 29, 2015
Wings Of Recovery
Sunday Nov 29, 2015
Sunday Nov 29, 2015
The cross of Christ is an example of God's love in recovery. God wants to cover us in our emptiness, and restore what is lost. As we examine the story of Ruth we see wonderful examples of God's love. We hope this message blesses you.

Sunday Nov 29, 2015
Suffocating The Word
Sunday Nov 29, 2015
Sunday Nov 29, 2015
Many Christians are suffocating spiritually and they don't even know why. This message exposes the plot of the enemy to weaken believers by suffocating God's Word. We hope this message will bless and encourage you to stay in the fight.

Saturday Oct 10, 2015
Spiritual Warfare - Don't Forget to Pray
Saturday Oct 10, 2015
Saturday Oct 10, 2015
Prayer is essential to spiritual warfare. It is how every piece of armor is attained. Without prayer we lack the ability to wear the armorer, and the ability to use it properly. Prayer fuels the power of every soldier in Christ.

Saturday Sep 19, 2015
Don't Run God's Not Done!
Saturday Sep 19, 2015
Saturday Sep 19, 2015
Sometimes its difficult to stay when you are no longer comfortable. It takes a special person to stay right where God wants them during difficulties and hard times. Paul and Silas chose to stay! When they could have left and no one would have blamed them for it, they chose to stay. Sometimes difficulties are nothing more than a sign that God is not done! We hope this message will bless you.

Sunday Sep 13, 2015
The Gift of Struggling
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
Some of God's greatest gifts can only be given through difficult circumstances. God will use the struggle to increase faith, commitment, and dedication in His followers. Our church believes this message will encourage you to endure difficulties for the cause of Christ. May God bless you as you listen.

Thursday Aug 27, 2015
Don't Loose Confidence
Thursday Aug 27, 2015
Thursday Aug 27, 2015
What do we do if we made mistakes, how do we regain confidence in God? Confidence in God is vital to the Christian. The enemy knows that if the believer looses confidence in God's ability he can strip the believer of joy, and peace. Today we want to avoid the tricks the enemy plays on the hearts of believers and remind the believer of how power our God is.